Russell James Cope served in the Vietnam War from 1965 through 1976. He attended USMC recruit training at Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island, South Carolina. He was then assigned to the Pacific Forces, Okinawa in January 1967, where he served with Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron 361 as a corporal. An aerial gunner, Russell deployed to the Republic of Vietnam, Marble Mountain Air Facility Da Nang, Republic of Vietnam. A crew member on the UH34D Sikorsky aircraft, he flew missions in support of U.S. Marine, Army and ARVN Forces in I and II Corps Theaters of Operation. Reassigned as an aircraft crew chief Russell was promoted to sergeant in the spring of 1967. His unit was reassigned to Dong Ha Combat Base near the DMZ in July 1967 where they supported Marine Corp / U.S. Army and RVN Forces in Northern I Corps Ke Sahn, Con Thien, Gio Lein Cam Lo, A-Shaw Valley and other DMZ outposts during the TET Offensive of 1967-68.
His combat awards include: the Bronze Star with Combat V, eighteen Air Medals, the Purple Heart, the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry with palm /combat action. He flew approximately 300 combat missions. He served in the Tennessee Army National Guard after graduating from officer candidate school, U.S. Army Armor Officers course, command and general staff schools. He held company, calvary troop and combat support and armor company commands in the 30th Armored Brigade. He retired as a captain on September 2, 1993, after 25 years, 5 months and 22 days service.