By Echo Day, The Leader, May 29, 2023

Memorial Day is a day of remembrance for those who died in service to the country.
The following men from Tipton County died while serving the country during wartime. A memorial commemorating their sacrifice is at the Tipton County Veterans Museum on Bert Johnston Avenue in Covington.
Mexican War
Calvin Jarnigan
Civil War
G. M. Adams, Elijah E. Ewart, Samuel Lane, E. G. Robertson, Richard Adkins (Atkins), Robert M. Ewart, John H. Larimore, John Robinson, W. D. Allen, Thomas Ewart, W. A. Larimore, R. S. Searcy, William M. Alston, Thomas J. Farrar, Robert Lemmon, Jasper Shankle, Thomas Archer, James Farris (Faires), J. M. Lemmons, J. W. Sherrill, Cap Armour, J. F. Feezor, J. L. Lloyd, Sidney E. Sherrill, James L. Ayers, Peter L. Feezor, George W. Locke, Christopher Simonton, Archibald H. Baird, W. J. Flanigan, Hector Marshall, Presley Simonton, J. Warden Baird, James W. Flannigan, Robert Marshall, Robert C. Simonton, George W. Bandy, John Fleming, Ben W. Mason, Ben A. Smith, William Henry Banks, C. L. Ford, John Mason, George Smith, W. H. Barley, Elias A. Ford, William N. Mason, Henry D. Smith, Ben A. Bartholow, E. J. Freeman, Daniel A. Max, J. D. Smith, Thomas Bayne, Henry J. Futhy, John J. McClanahan, John Henry Smith, George H. Benson, Robert W. Futhy, John R. McCreight, R. E. Smith, John H. Blackman, John W. Gee, James McCullough, R. L. Smith, William M. Bland, William George, James J. McDaniel, J. A. Soloman, J. E. Boyd, Robert H. Gibbs, William J. McDill, James R. Somervill, R. H. Brooks, J. G. Gladden, Winfield S. McDill, John W. Somervill, Joseph Brown, C. P. Goode, James W. McDonald, John D. Spencer, T. H. Bunn, Hale Gorton, James McGraw, Owen H. Stansbury, William H. Cage, Henry C. Grady, H. X. McGuire, W. B. Stephenson, George C. Calhoun, G. W. Grant, John A. McGuire, C. Stokes, J. Dan Calhoun, George W. Gross, William McGuire, John H. Sweet, James H. Calhoun, Isaac W. Gross, J. C. McKinney, Albert Templeton, Thomas C. Campbell, Henry M. Hall, Hugh C. McQuiston, P. H. Townsend, Edward O. Chambers, James S. Hall, Thomas S. Melton, H. H. Trailor, Joshoua D. Clark, Joseph S. Hall, James A. Merrill, Andrew H. Trobaugh, Charles N. Claiborne, Junius L. Hall, Robert B. Miller, Robert H. Trobaugh, A. J. Cole, Jack Harper, Hugh C. Mills, John B. Turner Jr., T. J. Cole, Richard A. Harper, W. R. Moore, James Upchurch, James H. Cotten, William S. Harris, T. W. “Dad” Morgan, J. E. Walker, Jesse Craig, James K. P. Harrison, Henry E. Morrison, Robert C. Walker, W. A. Crouch, Thomas B. Harrison, Embry H. Munford, Joseph Warton, W. Sanders Culbreath, David H. Haynie, Jacob Muse, P. Westmoreland, Augustus F. Daniel, George W. Haynie, James P. Myers, N. M. White, G. S. Daniel, Robert E. Haynie, William B. New, Alfred R. Wilkins, Lewis W. Davis, William T. Haynie, James Calvin Nelson, John Wilkins, G. B. DeLashmit Jr., William Thomas Hill, Samuel Nolley, William Wilkins, G. A. Dickens, James T. Hillard, Ellis Norment, Albert Williams, Chris S. Dickson, Phillip Hooks, A. Owen, William J. D. Wilson, James Dillahunty, Robert Hooks, Isaac Newton Owen, Henry Winders, John A. Douglas, John Horne, James H. Owen, John R. Wiseman, C. F. Dowlen, Hardtimes W. B. Jones, J. T. Parrott, John H. Woods, W. H. Easley, Lewellen W. Jones, T. J. Pewett, Charles H. Woods, Nathaniel H. Elcan, George “Leb” Kent, H. B. Pickard, George S. Wright, Thomas R. Elcan, James P. Kent, John Pippen, B. L. Yount, Charles W. Erwin, J. B. Kirkpatrick, W. H. Price, James H. Erwin, R. S. Lane, Joseph Puckett
Spanish American War
George E. Mayes
World War I
Clark Adams, George H. McKee, Barney A. Adkison, Will Malone, Elmo Albritton, William E. Moore, John Baptist Ashe, Paul Murphy, Lewis T. Bond, Thomas L. Nelson, Bud Brown, Frank Troy Paine, Paul C. Calhoun, James Payne, Ahmid Doggett, Thomas E. Ralph, Richard Dyson, Paul Lytle Rice, Trice H. Esslinger, James F. Ruffin, Sr., Roland M. Foster, Ernest Sherrill, James H. Friedman, John Simmons, Samuel O. Givens, George Smith, Hugh W. Greer, William Somervill, Wilson B. Harris, Olian Fred Starnes, Nelson Harris, Willie Strain, James R. Hindman, Charles Tate, Joe Hines, James V. Ulin, Jesse G. Hunt, David M Van Meter, Cleveland Hunter, James D. Whitmore, Shannon Hutchinson, Uncus Whitson, John Johnson, Samuel Williamson, Charles L. Kinney, Jr., William H. Womble, Robert R. Kosminski, Raleigh Waldron, Robert Lee Lewis, James F. Wood, Joseph R. McGowan
World War II
William R. Atkins, Jr., Leonard O. Kuykendall, Benjamin W. Baker, Jr., Harold W. Lumpkin, Lydle A. Baskin, John A. Manley, Solon M. Beaver, Jr., Woodrow W. Marbry, George R. Blalack, Bill Mathis, Cleveland Billings, Floyd L. McDaniel, Chesley Blankenship, Rufus S. McKee, George R. Bomar, Adrian Venoy Mills, James O. Burgess, Alfred Naifeh, Richard S. Cain, William O. Parham, Ernest McLister Camp, Robert D. Phillips, Dalton W. Carr, Bryson H. Pilkington, William F. Cates, George A. Pinner, Billy Farrow Cobb, Woodrow W. Pool, Robert H. Davidson, William A. Posey, Billy Gene Forbess, Sanford Farris Ray, Solomon H. Forbess, Jr., Walter W. Reynolds, Orville V. Fritzsche, Elmer Thomas Roach, J. W. Glass, Clarence R. Sanders, William E. Gross, James B. Sanders, Winford T. Hadley, Charles G. Smith, Jr., Robert H. Harris, Gordon C. Smith, John P. Hathcock, William E. Smith, John Webb Hayes, Willie L. Somerville, Solon T. Hazelrig, Nath H. Starnes, Leroy E. Hindman, Homer R. Thompson, Robert O. Hocutt, Reuben Throgmorton, Robert R. Hogan, James W. Tracey, John W. Holmes, Ott Cal Trobaugh, Jr., William F. Jacket, Richard E. Ward, Thomas Booker Jones, Jake Wilson, John Calvin Kelley, Robert T. Wright, Andrew E. Kidd
Korean Conflict
Newton W. Bringle, George McDivitt, Benigno Moreno, Darrow A. Rose, Harvey E. Simmons, Thomas E. Tate, Otha R. Vinceson, James L. Wright
Vietnam Conflict
Billy Clyde Alston, Jimmy Dale Blalack, Leroy Buford, Odell Craig, Thomas L. Gaines, Jr., Billy W. Glass, Lonnie O’Neal Hill, John A. Hughlett, Warren G. Ingram, Charles Sid Jackson, Jerry W. R. McCullough, Charles D. Short, Ronald G. Smith, Glenn A. Watkins, Alfonso A. Webb, James Alan Wilks