William Floyd “Bush” Bringle was born in Covington, TN, on April 23, 1913. He attended Byars Hall High School, the Columbia Military Academy and entered the US Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland in 1933. As a midshipman, he was a member of the Naval Academy football team. He graduated and was commissioned Ensign on June 3, 1937, and through subsequent advancement attained the rank of Rear Admiral, to date from Jan 1, 1964: Vice Admiral, to date from November 6, 1967. By 1971, he advanced to Admiral on July 1.
During his service, his combat awards include:
Navy Cross 1944
Legion of Merit with two Gold Stars and Combat ‘V’ 1967-74
5 Distinguished Flying Crosses 1944-45
17 Air Medals 1944-45
French Croix de Guerre with Silver Star 1945
Combat tours:
WWII: CO, VOF-1, Dec. 1943-October, 1945
Vietnam: Commander Attack Carrier Striking Force
SEVENTH Fleet/Commander Task Group 77.6 March 1964-June 1965 COMSEVENTHFLT, November 1967-March 1970
In 1970, he became COMNAVAIRPAC, commanding all Naval Aviation forces in the Pacific theatre, including Vietnam. In May 1971, Admiral Bringle assumed the duties of Commander in Chief, Naval Forces Europe, where he remained until December, 1973. On January 1, 1974, Admiral Bringle was transferred to the retired list of the US Navy.