James L. Bringle

James L. Bringle was inducted into the U.S. Army on July 21, 1944. James was a Tipton County farmer prior to his induction. He married Annie Sue Edwards and they had a son, Elliston Leonard. James entered the service through Fort McPherson, Georgia. He was attached to Company H, 358th

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John N. Bringle

John Norris Bringle enlisted as an Apprentice Seaman in the U.S. Naval Reserve on January 26, 1944. The rating he held at separation was MOMM third class. He served satisfactorily on active duty until December 11, 1944 at the following assignments: Navy Recruiting Station, Nashville, Tennessee; Naval Training Station Bainbridge,

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Riley S. Bringle

Riley S. Bringle was drafted in November, 1942 at Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia.  He went to camp Clayborne, Louisiana for basic training.  He was sent to Ft. Sam Houston, Texas to go overseas with Company L, 349th infantry, 88th division, fifth army.  He served in North Africa during 1943, then on

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Sanford D. Bringle

Sanford D. Bringle was inducted into the U.S Army Air Corps at Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia on  January 8, 1943. He went to chemical warfare  training  in Siberia, Alabama. He served with the 894th Chemical Company, 3rd Attack Group of the 5th Air Force. His campaigns were new guinea, the western

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William F. Bringle

William Floyd  “Bush” Bringle was born in Covington, TN, on April 23, 1913. He attended Byars Hall High School, the Columbia Military Academy and entered the US Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland in 1933. As a midshipman, he was a member of the Naval Academy football team. He graduated and

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Edward G. Buckley, Sr.

Edward Gale Buckley, Sr., entered the U. S. Army and served in the Air Corps from October 1942 until he was discharged in November 1945.

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Thomas K. Burgess

Thomas K. Burgess enlisted in the U. S. Navy on November 2, 1942. He was honorably discharged on November 16, 1945. His highest rating held was SP(M) 2/C (Mail Man Second Class). The ships & stations he served on were: Naval Air Technical Training Center, Naval Air Station, Memphis, Tennessee;

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Charles E. Butler

Charles Eugene Butler enlisted in the U.S. Navy on July 18, 1945 via the v-6 program. His training was at the naval training station, San Diego, California. Gene reenlisted for two years on November 30, 1945. He attended mailman school at the fleet post office San Francisco, California. Gene served

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Everette S. Beaver

Everette Stanley Beaver was born on March 4, 1911. He entered the U.S. Army in June 1942 where he served until October 1946. He then continued to serve in the U.S. Air Force until July 1964

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Thomas C. Bethel

Thomas C. Bethel was drafted into the U.S. Army on November 3, 1944 at Fort Benning, Georgia. He was shipped to Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania for basic training. On August 25, 1945 he departed for the Pacific Theater. He landed at Okinawa on September 27, 1945. Thomas’s awards and decorations include:

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