Willie Eric “Billy” Anderson

Lt. Colonel Willie Eric “Billy” Anderson served with the U.S. Army Air Corps during WII from July 1943 through February 1946. He was stationed on Tinian (Marianas group), where he flew 29 missions over Japan in the B-29 Super Fortress as a navigator-radar bombardier. He served in the U.S. Air

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Joseph Benard Adkison

Joseph Benard Adkison was born on January 4, 1892, in Atoka, Tenn., the son of Joseph Adkison and Adeline Delashmit.  Sgt. Adkison was a sergeant in the U. S. Army, 30th Division, 119th infantry, C Company when, on September 29, 1918, near Bellicourt, France, his platoon was pinned down by murderous

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James Rodney Anderson

James Rodney Anderson was  inducted into the US Navy on Jan. 18, 1943, in Memphis, Tennessee.  After receiving his boot training at Great Lakes, Illinois, he was transferred to San Francisco, California, before being shipped out.  Rodney served two years and five months in the Pacific aboard the U.S.S. Dixie

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George Neal Atkins

Dr. George Neal Atkins enlisted in the U. S. Naval Reserve in September 1944. He was enrolled in the USNR V-12 program from January until July 1945.  Atkins was assigned to the Great Lakes, Illinois Naval Training Center from July until September 1945.  He served on Guam from September 1945

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William Rodney Atkins, Jr

William Rodney Atkins, Jr. was drafted in September 1944. He was assigned to basic training at Fort McClellan, Alabama. William was shipped to Fort Dix, New Jersey in December 1944. He staged through England for combat in France and Germany from January to March 1945.  William was killed in action

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Douglas L. Arthur

Douglas Layton Arthur was born July 4, 1922 at Brighton, Tenn. The son of James Roy and Margaret Lucille Craig Arthur, he was inducted into the U. S. Army on Jan. 1, 1943 at Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia. Attached to First Army, Arthur served in the 610th Engineer Light Equipment Company.

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William Ralph Arthur

William Ralph Arthur was inducted into the U. S. Army on January 17, 1952. Processed at Ft. Jackson, South Carolina, he received basic training and attended NCO leadership school at Camp Pickett, Virginia. William was then transferred to medical field service school at Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio, Texas and

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James R. Arthur

WORLD WAR I James R. Arthur served during World War I with the American Expeditionary Force (AFE) as a U.S. Army private in Company E, of the 33rd Infantry Division in France. He died on July 26, 1972. James was married to Margaret Lucille Craig. They had nine children.

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Whitley family, Rep. David Kustoff

Local community bands together to honor America’s heroes

By Sherri Onorati, Special to The Leader Last weekend, Saturday, May 21, 2022, a large crowd of Tipton County’s leaders, and its citizens met at the Tipton County Museum, Veteran Memorial and Nature Center to honor and recognize America’s heroes – its military – in a joint celebration service of

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Charley Clyde Alsbrook

Charley Clyde Alsbrook entered the U. S. Army on March 20, 1941, and left for Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia. About 48 hours later he was transferred to Fort Bragg, North Carolina. He was there for six weeks basic training then left for Camp Forest, Tennessee. He remained there until January 15,

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